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The Cosmic Review

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Friday, September 11, 2009

Introduction to 'The Cosmic Review'.

Introduction to 'The Cosmic Review'.

This blog will attempt to review the Cosmos ie review any and every item reviewable in the Cosmos. It will carry movie review, digital camera review, restaurent reviw, car review, book review, movie rental review, cell phone review, national review, product review, hotel review, laptop review, personal computer review, camcorder review, game review, news review, video game review, camera review, notebook review, consumer review, motorcycle review, web hosting review, apartment review, x-box game review, music review, dvd review, software review, used car review, pda review, printer review, music download review, computer review, pc game review, tv review, diet review, bluetooth headset review and all reviews and previews.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Macrocosmos and Microcosmos.

Macrocosmos and Microcosmos.

As everyone knows the Cosmos is made up of The Macrocosmos and The Microcosmos. Scientists who wish to study the nature of the Cosmos are busy peering at the microcosmos through their microscopes or looking at the macrocosmos through their telescopes.

Recently these scientists compared their findings and found out that the pictures they had taken through their microscopes and their telescopes looked the same. The first picture is of the brain taken through an electron microscope.

They compared it with the picture of a galaxy taken through an orbiting telescope. They found both these pictures the same. Take a look and decide for yourself. The first is a picture of the human brain taken through an electron microscope. The second is the picture of a galaxy taken through a telescope.

The scientists were very surprised. Wouldn't you be when I tell you that cubic shaped houses are made up of cubic bricks? Shouldn't common sense have told these scientists the same thing? Did these scientists take all these photographs just to proove their hypothesis? For more information take a look at Micro amd Macrocosmos compared.

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Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Physiology and Pathology both maturing at an early age.

Physiology and Pathology both maturing at an early age.

Recent reports in the popular press show that humanity is maturing faster and also being attacked by diseases earlier. Is this because of the fast lives we are leading or due to the more stress piled on by accelerated pace of development in the modern world?

It seems that puberty is coming early in young men and women. Researchers have said that this is due to the better nutrition afforded by today's generation. This can lead to more stress as the teens have to learn more than their parents in this age of information overload. Hormones can cause more havoc at an early immature age when teens are still dependent on their parents. This can be one of the reasons behind teen pregnancies in the developed world.

Heart attacks are striking at an earlier age also. Young professionals battling with increased competition in the marketplace are faced with increased tension and stress laden lives. A large shift from the rural to the urban areas has been one of the reasons for this. This has lead to vast areas of rural Europe and America being underpopulated and at risk of being taken over by immigrants who later on due to strife with the native population cause inter-racial tensions.

Diabetes Mellitus also is known to strike earlier due to combination of an urban lifestyle and a 'fast diet' rather than a 'fasting diet'.

Now the latest is Parkinson's Disease which is appearing early due to stress, bad diet and lack of sleep. It has now been labelled as Young Onset Parkinson's. It affects 4-6 million worldwide and 360 people per 100,000 in India.

As is well known the birth rate has been decreasing in the developed countries in spite of the governments offering incentives to couples.

A combination of these factors means that the lifespan is reducing and with violence also increasing a natural reduction in the population seems to be in the offing.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Education and Information Overload.

The amount of information which has to be imbibed by children is growing with every generation. At the same time due to various factors like good nutrition children are reaching pubertal years much earlier than the previous generations. The amount of years before teens become self-reliant young adults is also growing due to the increasing population which results in increasing competition. Increased competition means everyone has to learn "more and more of less and less" to create a lifelong niche where he can spend his earning years eking out a comfortable income.

This means that soon we will have to find out a way to give our children an instant 'download' of information to the brain to save time and energy. Will this lead to implantable chips in the brain or simply of giving them some handheld electronic encyclopedia which they can refer to instantly?

The Virtual World and The Real World :SPEED.

Electrons move at lightening speeds in the virtual world. This causes data to move at the speed of thought. Thus the virtual world is much much faster than the real world. However it still imitates the real world so by what trends are going on in it we can predict the trends to come in the real world.

When Google introduced Adsense to promote context based advertising alongside its search results it could not have predicted the development of 'niche' marketing. Yet it is here a mere two three years after Google started it. The speed at which the trends develop was much faster than in the real world though still imitating it. In the real world we have to take care of physical and natural barriers so it was years after marketing started that its specialized branches took root.