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The Cosmic Review

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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Macrocosmos and Microcosmos.

Macrocosmos and Microcosmos.

As everyone knows the Cosmos is made up of The Macrocosmos and The Microcosmos. Scientists who wish to study the nature of the Cosmos are busy peering at the microcosmos through their microscopes or looking at the macrocosmos through their telescopes.

Recently these scientists compared their findings and found out that the pictures they had taken through their microscopes and their telescopes looked the same. The first picture is of the brain taken through an electron microscope.

They compared it with the picture of a galaxy taken through an orbiting telescope. They found both these pictures the same. Take a look and decide for yourself. The first is a picture of the human brain taken through an electron microscope. The second is the picture of a galaxy taken through a telescope.

The scientists were very surprised. Wouldn't you be when I tell you that cubic shaped houses are made up of cubic bricks? Shouldn't common sense have told these scientists the same thing? Did these scientists take all these photographs just to proove their hypothesis? For more information take a look at Micro amd Macrocosmos compared.

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